It appears you miss the point of the show.

Sure a major part of it is entertainment, just like everything in TV. Entertainment and education is all TV is. When it started the main point of it was to show how unsuspecting pedophiles can be, considering everyone just thinks they're creepy dirty lookign guys. The second point is to actually capture them, which is much bigger then the show. Much more are captured then appear on TV, and the only reason the show goes on is because, RATINGS. People watch it and like it. People like seeing bad people loose. So obviously that will continue to air.

And you know what? I like seeing them loose too. I've seen firsthand children break down from being victim to such perversions, so honestly, I take pleasure in seeing what goes around, comes around.

Seriously, fuck off.

Thanks for the laugh.

Last edited by Don Vercetti; 07/29/07 01:28 AM.

Proud Member of the Gangster BB Bratpack - Fighting Elitism and Ignorance Since 2006