I was able to watch Pan's Labyrinth last night. Wow. It was nothing like I expected. I didn't even know what to expect, but what little I thought might happen wasn't even close. I feel very lucky to have watched this movie right after Apocalypto. Two great movies in a row! It's been a while since I have seen movies of this level of quality, especially back-to-back.

I thought the movie would have been mostly fantasy, but to see the struggles of the little girl and her mother against the Captain (Can't remember their names) in the middle of a war was great. (Question: Was this movie supposed to be taking place during World War II?) The actor who played the Captain was absolutely brutal.

In fact, there were so many shockingly brutal scenes that it kept me on edge. It is easy to get caught up in the childlike fantasy story, then suddenly something gruesome happens to remind you that it's not a kids movie. For example:

Warning, Spoiler:
Their are the cute little fairies flying around making their chirping little noises. Next thing you know a horrible monster is biting their heads off!

If you don't mind the subtitles I would recommend this movie to any adult with a dark sense of imagination. This is one I will have to buy.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes