The 3 things I remember most about IMs with him were

1) I'd stay up until his 2 a.m. "Pee Break" which was only 15 minutes, but SOMEHOW we'd play online poker until 4 a.m. lol

2) At around 5 p.m. when his girlfriend would get home he'd always say something about being the King of the Castle and then having to get off to see his girlfriend lol

3) When we'd talk sports from 8 p.m. until 4 a.m. the next morning lol He'd mention players and teams, and I'd be googling them as fast as he can talk about them. Some infielder in Double-A thats going to be huge in 5 years and he's talking about him as if he's Alex Rodriguez..I could barely talk about A-Rod and he knows about all of those people.

And for some reason, staying up that late talking to him I'd get up the next morning and I'd be fine. Other times I'd stay up that late I wouldn't be able to function the next day.

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"