Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
I just watched, for the first time, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas on LLC's suggestion. It was done very well and was pretty true to the book. From what I have read, Depp did a good impersonation of the real Hunter S. Thompson, which was a little irritating at first because of the halting way of talking. But I got used to it and the movie was very entertaining. Some scenes were even funnier than the book, like the part with Gary Busey as the cop.

Yeah, Depp actually spent three months living in Thompson's basement, and following him around his farm up in Colorado, mimicking him. The two became something of best friends... Depp even threw down the $5,000,000 to construct the 300 foot canon that Thompson request his ashes be shot out of at his funeral.

Anyone who thinks this movie glorifies drug use is retarded.

Anyone who thinks the movie is even about drug use is retarded. The movie is about drugs like The Godfather is about the mafia.

But, I'm glad you liked it. I don't think they could've made a better adaptation. Everything about the movie is perfect. Even the cinematography and the weird camera lenses that seemed to warp a few textures make you feel intoxicated throughout the film. A great feat, considering Gilliam says he's never done any psychedelic drugs.

By the way, if you still have the DVD at hand, check out the deleted scenes. The one from the DA from Georgia is exceptionally funny.

EDIT: Did you catch the real HST's cameo appearance?

Last edited by long_lost_corleone; 06/30/07 03:49 PM.

"Somebody told me when the bomb hits, everybody in a two mile radius will be instantly sublimated, but if you lay face down on the ground for some time, avoiding the residual ripples of heat, you might survive, permanently fucked up and twisted like you're always underwater refracted. But if you do go gas, there's nothing you can do if the air that was once you is mingled and mashed with the kicked up molecules of the enemy's former body. Big-kid-tested, motherf--ker approved."