Originally Posted By: klydon1
 Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
I've been sweating my butt off all day at work, suddenly jealous of all those people who have office jobs with AC, and I went to buy a Pepsi from the Coke machine. All I had was 65 cents in my pocket, just enough to get a Pepsi. But when I picked it up it was only half full and there weren't any holes in the can! I spent the rest of my day miserably hot and thirsty.

What I don't get is how did the guy who loaded the machine not notice. What a jerk.

My guess is that the can had a very slight crack or hole, and may have been dropped prior to being placed in the machine. Was the soda kind of flat? If the hole is small enough, it could retain most of its fizz for quite a while even though it loses volume.

Actually, I thoroughly inspected the can. In fact just about everyone at work did as it became the talk of the morning. There was no holes or cracks of any kind. You know how when you buy a can of soda, and squeeze the outside, it is solid? But once you open it, the gas/fizz (whatever it is) escapes and the sides of the can become soft and can bend. This can was half full, but the sides were still solid. I think it was just a defective can that didn't get filled right when it was made.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes