Originally Posted By: SC
Little Italy reduced to a few shops and restaurants. Madonne!
Thats the sad truth of it... Little Italy, for all intents and purposes, no longer exist

Yup guys, that's the sad truth.

I'm not sure when you last came up this way, Olivant, but you'd be awfully disappointed if you were expecting to find Little Italy to be anymore than a rundown shadow of it's former self. It's actually no more than Mulberry street itself, from Canal to Grand Street. And even that tiny strip is inhabited by mostly Chinese merchants selling tacky Little Italy souvenirs.

Outside of a few family owned restaurants and Italian import stores, it's all gone.

Did anyone notice Butchie's pov when he was walking south on Mulberry Street and absentmindedly crossed over to Canal Street?

He spotted mostly Asian people and looked to be both confused and saddened, perhaps at the decline of his way of life?

Maybe it's me.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.