Originally Posted By: Irishman12
This film started out pretty interesting but turned pretty disastrous about 30-45 minutes into it. First of all, I'm not a fan of the 'killer croc' genre or any gigantic killer animal genres. They seem pretty cheesy and unrealistic. Secondly, the CGI was pretty bad in some shots which took away from the suspense because I wasn't afraid when the croc came on screen, but rather I was laughing. Finally, films that take place in Africa are depressing. I hope that doesn't sound wrong/bad but they are. After I watch a movie that takes place in Africa I feel like hanging myself with an extension cord.

Just about everything you said here actually made me want to watch this movie. I love these cheesy, bad cgi, killer animal movies. SciFi channel has become the home of these types of movies and you can watch one just about any time of the day. I find them worth the same as a good comedy.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes