Honestly, I'm one of the people who felt it was a complete and utter copout ending. I believe Chase did it to leave himself a backdoor in the future if he ever needs money.

I don't find anything brilliant about shutting it off before we find out what happened to Tony. If I wanted to have to imagine up an ending, I'd have turned off the TV myself before the final scene. I watch the show to see someone else's imagination at work, not my own.

I discount the theory that Tony got killed because there's no indication that he got killed. There was no gunshot which despite what Tony and Bobby may have said, there would've been. And the people in the diner had no reason to want to kill Tony. Phil was dead, he constructed a peace with NY, there was no one left to kill him.

I don't believe we saw Tony get clipped through his own eyes. The last image we saw was of Tony himself, so how could we be seeing it through Tony's eyes if he's the last thing we saw?

Again, I felt it was a ripoff ending. It's a shame such a good show had to leave such a bad taste in the mouth of a lot of fans.

"Fredo -- you're my older brother, and I love you. But don't ever take sides with anyone
against the Family again. Ever."

"My father taught me many things ... keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."

"I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart."