Originally Posted By: Sopranorleone
At Satriale's Paulie declines Tony's offer to take over from Carlo, saying everyone who's had that gig has died prematurely. Tony ridicules his superstition - and finally sways him when he says he'll have to give the job to Patsy. "Prick. You always know what to say to me don't you?" says Paulie as he accepts the job.
- From the Sopranos' HBO site.

Never mind. Paulie took the job.

Paulie switched sides and went to the all-powerful and all-mighty New York Cosa Nostra. The Jersey crew(under Paulie)still exists, but it is after all only a glorified crew...at least thats what Phil called it.

In making this switch, Paulie served as Tony's angel of death. To the Italian people/human race, that's a very religious, sacred, close relationship. And remember, Paulie is always seeing ghosts and sh*t. He is the shaman, perhaps a Judas of sorts. Paulie fulfilled what the fates willed them ALL...Tony would "understand" that..