Originally Posted By: Don Mataya
Like it has been said, this isn't supposed to be wrapped up in a nice package, that's not how life really is. The show is simply a slice of Tony's life, not his definate rise and fall.

Valid point. If every loose end were tied up in this last episode, it would have come off as unrealistic and unbelievable.

Still, I felt that the end sequence was leading up to something, and by not getting much of anything after all that build-up, I couldn't help but feel that I was left high and dry.

Signor V.

"For me, there's only my wife..."

"Sure I cook with wine - sometimes I even add it to the food!"

"When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?"

"It was a grass harp... And we listened."

"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? Every, every minute?"

"No. Saints and poets, maybe... they do some."