Hey guys. I know it might be a little late, but anyone who frequents The Sopranos IMDb page will tell you that the post traffic is amuck with spoilers, trolls and people prophecizing about a "Zombie Christopher". But for the last month or so I discovered and have been frequenting a spoiler free Sopranos board, with no idiotic topics. It's under Shawn Mclean, who played Yoyo Mendez (guy Christopher beats up) in one episode. People keep it pretty civil, not a lot of people no about it so there's no stupid posts, and all the people who do post on it have some great insight on the show. Here's the link for anyone who's interested: Shawn Mclean IMDb

"Mio padre se chiamo Antonio Andolini, e questo รจ per te." - Robert De Niro to Giuseppe Sillato in The Godfather Part II.