Originally Posted By: novice
Episode 86
I'm no numerologist, but you cannot ignore the potential significance.

Used as a verb, to "eighty-six" means to "ignore" or "get rid of"
Another theory has it that this is rhyming slang for "nix." Interestingly, this seems to be an American coinage, unusual for rhyming slang.[1]

Another explanation is that Chumley's, which was a famous 1900s New York speakeasy, is located at 86 Bedford St. During Prohibition, an entrance through an interior adjoining courtyard was used, as it provided privacy and discretion for customers. As was a New York tradition, the cops were on the payroll of the bar and would give a ring to the bar that they were coming for a raid. The bartender would then give the command "86 everybody!", which meant that everyone should hightail it out the 86 Bedford entrance because the cops were coming in through the courtyard door.
The term came into popular use among soldiers and veterans to describe missing soldiers as 86'd. Rather than describe buddies missing in action, it was slang to describe the MIA as violating UCMJ Sub Chapter X Article 86.

Another explanation is the possibility of a simple variation of the slang term deep six, which has identical meaning, and is simply meant to describe the approximate depth of a grave.

86 (number)

YO NOVICE. You slipped under the radar - First Post - a good one; very observant. I was aware of the Chumley's story as it relates to "86". Great NY story. Hang in. It takes a few posts before the folks here realize there is a newbie on the boards. Check out the rest of the board, you will be pleasantly entertained.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12