Originally Posted By: Beth E
James Gandolfini is on Inside the actor's studio now.

(It's an old episode. It was from about 2 years ago).

EDIT! James says how some real life wiseguys talk to him about the authenticity of the show. One actually got mad at him when he wore shorts in a cookout. He said dons don't wear short. Who knew.

That was actually in an episode from season 4. Carmine Sr told Tony at a barbecue at his house that a don doen't wear shorts.

I really think the shorts are central to Tony's psyche. There's a part of him, the part who reached out for therapy, that wants to be the guy next door, wearing the shorts and barbecuing. An American everyman. Then there's his dark side, which always wins out.

IMHO, that's why Gandolfini was cast. He really looks like the guy next door (when he's not killing people). I think they deliberately didn't cast the guy with the dark eyes, olive skin and thick black hair, for that very reason.

Gandolfini is certainly Italian-American, but he's got an everyman look to him. That's what makes him perfect in the role.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.