My vacation weekend is starting off really crappy. I get off of work at 3:30 and catch 2 buses to get home. I get off the 1st bus in front of a grocery store. I figure I have about 10 minutes lead time to run into the store before the next bus comes. And this bus only runs once an hour. Well, you would know that the bus decided to come a couple minutes early, so I missed it. The next bus not due until 5:30. In the meantime it's about 97 degrees outside and I'm wearing jeans. For some reason the 5:30 bus decided not to show up. So after getting off of work at 3:30 I'm not getting on a bus to head home until 6:30, and walked in my door at 6:55. And the icing on the cake is after sitting out in the sun for 2 hours, hot, thirsty and hungry, I get on the bus and sit down and realize I left my bag of grocery at the bus stop. Uggh!! I hope someone's choking on my pork chops and spare ribs. Instead of drinking a shot tonight I think I'll just shoot myself.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.