Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
By the way, Internet police be damned, if anyone picks Waldo he's getting a beating!!

Do you remember Jerry? He usually played the little rich kid.

Jerry "Tucker" Schatz aka Jerry (Arrow pointing to him in pic) :

In 1942 Jerry Tucker left show business and joined the Navy. He suffered injuries when a kamikaze hit the destroyer USS Sigsbee on which he served. In 1944 Jerry Tucker married Myra Heino and they had two daughters, Karen and Renee. Jerry Tucker did not return to show business after the war. Instead he studied electrical engineering and worked as an engineer for RCA Global Communications until his retirement in 1981.

Many years ago I worked with Jerry when I worked for RCA Global Communications.

When I started out working for RCA I worked on the loading dock and my job was to deliver telex machines to various offices throughout the company. In my first week on the job I delivered a telex machine to this office and was waiting for the guy to sign for it. As I'm waiting I'm looking around and this guy has all kinds of pictures of 'The Little Rascals' all around his office. So I told him that I was a big little rascals fan. He starts to laugh and asks " Don't you know who I am?" And I explain to him that it was my first week on the job. So he pulls out a picture from his drawer of the little rascal named Jerry and signs it for me and I then realized who he was. After that we used to have coffee on break together sometimes and he used to tell me all these stories about his days with the little rascals. He was a really nice guy.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.