I'm in it because I believe I'm strong enough to use it to my means; I've gone through the last three or four years struggling to maintain a sense of individuality, personality, and not be bogged down into a dumbed down institutionalised robot with aspirations of buying a car and bringing up a family and then die "happy".

Higher education has a problem with fees; I've been here a year now, enjoyed it, but can't quite see how £3,000 has been justified (and they don't tell you this before you come, but that's just admin fees, it doesn't count all the fucking textbooks they tell you that you need to buy in addition. Everything before higher education has a serious problem with the way the system is set up.

Basically, it's not so much teaching these days as it is bringing people up to serve the State and make money. Everything is taught with the purpose of making a profit. Everyone is in love with Money. Education doesn't really educate; it manipulates. There's little room for a personality these days.

Last edited by Capo de La Cosa Nostra; 05/21/07 09:36 AM.

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