(Nth Viewing)

40-year-old Andy Stitzer has done quite a few things in his life. He's got a cushy job stamping invoices at an electronics superstore, a nice apartment with a proud collection of action figures and comic books, good friends, a nice attitude. But there's just one little thing he hasn't quite gotten around to doing yet--something most people have done by his age. Done a lot. Andy's never, ever, ever had sex--not even by accident. So is that such a big deal? Well, for Andy's buds at the store, it sure is. Although they think he's a bit of an oddball, there's certainly a planet full of stranger (and homelier) guys who've at least had one go at having a go. They consider it their duty to help Andy out of his dire situation and go to great lengths to help him. But nothing proves effective enough to lure their friend out of lifelong chastity until he meets Trish (Catherine Keener), a 40-year-old mother of three. Andy's friends are psyched by the possibility that "it" may finally happen...until they hear that Andy and Trish have begun their relationship based on a mutual no-sex policy.

Gearing up for Judd Apatow's next picture, KNOCKED UP. This and WEDDING CRASHERS were easily the best comedies of 2005. Although since then the comedy genre hasn't been too great at striking gold again. Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson both didn't have a great 2006 with THE BREAK-UP and YOU, ME AND DUPREE respectfully. However, Steve Carell is really on top of his game right now (I haven't seen THE OFFICE but I hear good things). Catherine Keener is making more of a name for herself, and I'll always remember Paul Rudd from CLUELESS (yes I know but it was one of his first movies). It's good to see Elizabeth Banks branch out from the SPIDER-MAN franchise where she's given her 2 lines of dialogue and is quickly hid away for the rest of the film. However, Seth Rogen was the most impressive for me in this film. He had the best lines IMO and I just connected with him (he also had the best and some of the only funny lines in YOU, ME AND DUPREE). I'm really looking forward to see him in a starring role and hope KNOCKED UP is a success! We need a worthy comedy already!