Try $300 million for SPIDER-MAN 3. No, I don't know where the cash went. I mean, remember last summer when the media shat on SUPERMAN RETURNS for costing $225+ million? My My time flies!

Pizzaboy, Irishman is the Salvation Army/Goodwill of criticism. If he likes a flick, he really likes it. If he hates it, its pure hatred. Seriously, he and Ebert should go out for booze sometime and talk about that quaint method of ratings.

I haven't seen SPIDER-MAN 3, but jesus the hate against it on the internet reminds me of the insane levels that BATMAN & ROBIN, THE PHANTOM MENACE*, and others got.

*=Speaking of that, anyone bust a laugh when George Lucas called SPIDERMAN 3 silly? I haven't seen SM3, but considering that Lucas' bullshit with the prequels....I don't he has shit to shit on SM3.

In other words, its like if Brett Ratner criticized Richard Donner for directing formulaic cop action/comedy sequels to the nill point? You know, hypocrisy?