I'd like to see a tiered system. The people who drive Hummers and other gas guzzlers should be forced to pay more on a prorated scale, whereas someone driving a Toyota Corolla would pay less at the pump. Honestly, I don't know how to implement such a system, but something has to be done.

The government should impose a cap on the profits oil companies are permitted to make, especially the gauging that occurs. I know it flies in the face of free enterprise, but these prices are motivated by pure greed.

We do need to change our habits and start drilling in Alaska as Don Cardi stated. I'd also like some alternative fuel sources, more affordable electric cars and more affordable hybrids. There are plenty of people who would drive such cars if a) they were reasonably priced and b) if there were more areas throughout the country that accommodated such models (i.e. places for electric cars to charge, longer battery life for elecgtric cars, etc).

The people I feel bad for are the lower income families/individuals who are working decent, honest jobs but not getting paid much money. These spikes in gas prices are so out of proportion with inflation that it is impossible to compensate for these people. The choice is between gasoline and either food, heating, or medical care. I'm fortunate that my wife and I have a decent income, but we're being more frugal with our driving habits and we're cutting back things that are unnecessary. I would gladly take the bus or train if I didn't have to take my kids to school.

I just hope this is the spark needed that cripples the automotive industry and forces it into making more fuel efficient automobiles and to stop producing these enormous gas guzzlers for the average consumer.