The JFK assassination is something that's fascinated me for over 20 years, ever since we skimmed through it in history at school. In the scant time we spent on it, I read Anthony Summer's 'The Kennedy Conspiracy' as backup and became engrossed. Since then I've read countless accounts, watched many documentaries and have even read a high portion of the Warren Report at Manchester Central Library.

There is an excellent documentary, made in 1989 and updated in 2003, called The Men Who Killed Kennedy. I believe that the History Channel broadcast three episodes in 2003 and were forced to take it off their repeat schedules and screen rebuttal shows. While that doesn't surprise me at all, I do think that everone should be given the opportunity of seeing these episodes. The original 1989 episodes can be purchased at, but the 2003 updates can be found here.

Witnesses such as Beverly Oliver have come forward to state that yes, Ruby knew Oswald prior to the assassination. The second episode of the 2003 updates will also give you the story of a lady that, although fantastic and sometimes very hard to stomach, also fills a few gaps regarding Oswald's trip to Mexico City and his frantic attempts to get into Cuba.

What do I think? The Mob were involved, and Ruby was the go-between. I also believe he was given the 'kill or be killed' order, but both scenarios eventually prevailed. LBJ's involvement? Not really convinced I'm afraid.

However, the key to this is an open mind and I always keep one.

"I'm sorry if your stepmother is a nympho but I don't see what this has to do with, uh... do you have any Kalhua?"