Originally Posted By: DonVitoCorleone
Why am I on the internet? What the fuck is the internet? A bunch of little words and images. None of it is real. WHERE THE FUCK AM I. Why don't I have the balls to leave this place? Why do I feel so comfortable here?

I think that some internet chat rooms can represent a utopian like society. One where ideas, and ideas only, rule the day. The opposite of this utopia is the everyday life outside in the 'real' world. For example....the other day I saw a girl who's spinal cord sat about 4 inches lower than it should have been. Her shoulders hunch, and she walks only with great effort. When I first saw her I was charmed as hell b/c I like shorter girls and didn't realize she had any kind of defect. When I realized she had the spinal defect I immediately felt sorry for her but my 'lustful' feelings went out the window. There would be no way I would ask her to be in a 'relationship', no way that any of us would ask her.

Why won't we ask her??? B/c we're all a bunch of butt smelling dawgs.

Places like a BB can let us elevate ourselves above this dawg status, atleast for a while.