Do tell us pizzaboy how it goes, mkay?

THE DEPARTED (2006) - ****

I think after the hoo-rah and Oscar-wins have died down, THE DEPARTED will end up like fellow Best Picture-winner SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. It'll be a staple of Cable TV for years to come.

Certainly this remake will be a different yet equally intriging Americanphile take on Hong Kong's INFERNAL AFFAIRS. Both have their charms and problems.

I still think its sort of convenient, but not damaging, that DiCaprio and Damon happen to bang the same woman. I know why Monahan did it, but I still question it.

Either way, Scorsese has some financial and critical clout with his Oscar-win, and I hope we gives us some really good work in the wake of his victory.

SILENCE will be a good start.