No, I'm not having lunch with the Sopranos(I wish)

A few months ago, before I moved, a co-worker gave me this cookbook. I was thrilled. \:\) Along with recipes, it shows Soprano family pictures, (i.e. Medow's graduation, holidays with the Soprano family, etc). It has receipes for "men only" gatherings, confirmation, Easter, etc.)

Anyway, every so often my daughters and I will have what we call a "girls day", either going to lunch, shopping or just hanging out. We talked about having a "Sopranos lunch" after I moved to my new place, with each of us picking a receipe out of the book and making something new. Well, today is the day. We went to the Italian market in Tustin yesterday to pick up some stuff. It won't be a seven course meal, but rather a "luncheon". Call me goofy, but I even got out my good china.

We are really making this a special event and all regard it as a special bonding time I guess. We are all having fun. I will be taking pictures and hopefully will post some (if I can figure it out.)

My girls "know" that I post here, and know about our BB meets, and even know who I am talking about if I say Geoff, Lori and SC (even though they can't figure out why I call him S.C. and not his name ) For some reason, they find that amusing.

They DON'T know that I am "The Italian Stallionette" (that would crack them up), nor do they know that my avator is Carmella Soprano. My daughter e-mailed me yesterday (yes, we talk on the phone and e-mail ) about this lunch and started with "Dear Carmella"

I wasn't going to post this basically "unimportant" thread, but figured why not share it with the BB. I'm looking forward to it.

Anyway, thanks for letting me share.


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 03/30/07 10:33 AM.

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon