I dont really have any solid reasons, as I said.. if I had to choose I would take 1, but I love them both. It is hard to catch lightning in a bottle twice and the first movie was a brilliant masterpiece. Star Wars is one of the few where the 2nd movie was better than the 1st (to me anyway).

Yes, GF 2 had more of the benefit of FFC's genius and artistic ability in the script and story than 1 did (due to 1 being adapted from Puzo's novel rather then being a creative original), but Puzo struck gold in his novel that 1 was adapted from.

I do agree that the interweaving of the modern (Mike) and flashback (young Vito) was brilliant and unparalled and true art. I personally love the story of GF 1 more than GF 2 (again that is just my opinion).

Finance is a gun, Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.