I've been dreading this day for some reason. Although I know Paul wants us to remember him fondly, and raise a glass of wine in his honor. We shouldn't be sad, but remember the good times. My head knows this. I just wish someone would tell it to my heart.

I miss you Paul, and think about you everday. I can only imagine the awesome fantasy baseball team you have hooked up for yourself in heaven.

"If you came back from heaven" by Lorrie Morgan.

I wouldn't know what to say
I wouldn't know what to do
If you came back from heaven
And I could look at you
Would I fumble for the words?
Would I be a little shy?
Would I bust right out with laughter?
Or break right down and cry?

Oh,if you came back from heaven
Would it be like it was then?
Could we just pick up,where we left off
And try it all again?
Oh,if you came back from heaven
It would freeze me in my tracks
And I hope God knows,if he let you go
I'd never send you back

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.