Irish, true about the mic, but you still didn't answer about the charisma part.

Its also about a unique schtick that stays with wrestling fans.

Bret Hart's schtick was that of the Canadian patriot technical wrestling master. The Best that there ever was, the best there is , and the best that ever will be....Even when his mic work was flat, his ring-work spoke for him.

Interestingly, WWE had a gimmick idea with Shelton that they quickly and wrongly abandoned.

They teased an idea of Shelton being a new Terrell Owens or Randy Moss sort of persona: Loud mouth, up in your face, doesn't give a shit about you unless its about him, very boastful, and a proud black athlete unafraid to alienate the white redneck audience.

Then his respected ring work would come through his matches as the heel/anti-hero(either angle would work) and it would have worked.

Remember when Benjamin basically, save for actually saying it, once called Coachman a Uncle Tom?