True Story


I saw TESB on it's opening weekend. Waited with a group of about 20 people a couple of hours to get in. This was back in the day of one big ass theater, not 24 mini screens and $10.00 popcorn. This theater did go on to be renevated into a 20 theater multi whatever in the late eighties early nienties.

The lights were being lowered and we were 30 seconds from the opening crawl and one of the guys in our group says I quote " I heard that Darth Vader is Lukes Father". I could,nt believe it and even when the famous line came 2 hours later it was still hard to believe. Well quite a few people were looking to give this guy a beatin after the movie was over. Now the story is legendary.

Whats funny is that Vader being Lukes father was never really confirmed or truly belived until Jedi came out.

"Francis can I have a momment"