Originally Posted By: Irishman12
The Time Machine (1960) *** 1/2
(First Viewing)

From the book by H.G. Wells, a scientist and tinkerer builds a time machine and uses it to explore the distant future where there are two races, a mild gentle race, and a cannibalistic one living underground. His machine is stolen by the underground race and he must risk being captured (and eaten) to return to his own time.

I must admit I went into this movie thinking it'd be horribly cheesy and distracting. To my surprise this was a really good movie. Sure it had its cheesy moments but the Morlock's really looked great on screen. This is far superior to the 2002 remake with Guy Pearce and continue to wonder why Hollywood wants to remake these classics? THEY WERE DONE RIGHT THE FIRST TIME!

Yeah, the original TIME MACHINE is a shining point for us sci-fi nerds. Glad you enjoyed it Irish.

Interesting, the hackjob director of the horrid TIME MACHINE remake was Simon Wells, a descendent of H.G. Wells, and the bastard behind CON AIR and the first TOMB RAIDER picture.

How far the apple has fallen from the creative tree.

THE TIME MACHINE (1960) - ****
THE TIME MACHINE (2001) - *1/2