Once again, Melinda and LaKisha rule the school. Jordin came in third and everybody else was a distant fourth.

One question... Who the heck was Melinda singing back-up for? It better be Mariah, Whitney or Christina because that's the only way it would make sense.

In my opinion, Chris Sligh butchered one of the most popular songs in the world. He still bugs me. I get the sense that his respect is contrived and made for show, while his performance, at least last night, was pandering. I agreed with the judges on that one.

Simon I think was correct on Blake and Chris R. - if they listen to it again, the vocals weren't very good.

The other contestants were forgetable.

Dial Idol has Blake, Chris Sligh, and Stephanie in the Bottom 3, although statistically, it's too close to call. What DI does show is that Melinda, LaKisha and SANJAYA are statistically safe.

Are you friggin' kidding me?

Last edited by Don Sicilia; 03/14/07 10:31 AM.