Originally Posted By: Partagas
I am glad though that some have the ability to figure out these so called underlying motves and let me know as I sure the hell did not know about them.
The sarcasm does little, mate; but I doubt you care anyway, right?

Deleting posts -- whats the big deal?
Exactly. Why would you even want to delete them?

Simply got frustrated one night and began deleting some and then it became a game -- nothing more, why someone makes about it I dont know and who cares?
Well, who cares? You do, for starters, if you're deleting them. And frustrated at what? You come here to escape the pressures of life? So why get frustrated at a message board, a place for clear escapism?

Why someone would take the time to go back and see what I have posted in the past amazes me that they would care to do so.
Perhaps they are concerned that the care-free Partagas would care enough to delete them in the first place. Out-of-character, so to speak, you know? A guy who preaches about not caring and being fun being concerned enough to delete his own posts for no specific reason. (And indeed, you've given no real reason here, either, but instead have said stuff like, "Who cares? I got frustrated.")

Whether your post was intended to humour us or not, I don't really care, to be honest.My entrance into this thread was on your wording of things. You had specifically chosen, consciously or not, to word things the way you did and the reasoning I got was a "high horse" way of saying things, to project yourself as this laid-back, care-free kind of guy who young people might try and cut down but fail to do so; why you would even want to do that, or want to come across as that is beyond me because a) you're known round here as a funny guy anyway, and b) I don't recall any moments on the board where somebody tried to cut you down; why would they, they have no reason to, you're not overly political or opiniated enough to be worth a serious discussion. And that's not a dig at all, it's a compliment, it's a character trait in you on your personality on these boards.

Just a few ruminations on a curious thread, and the way the thread has panned out, I guess.

...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?