Shelton Benjamin hasn't taken off because of one problem that keeps him back.

He lacks pop.

He's a real good ring worker, but not enough for me to actually get reved up about him.

Either the WWE didn't know what to feed him feud or writing-wise, or he lacks charisma(real possible)....but Benjamin just can't get any natural heat around him. I hate to say this, but him being demoted by HQ down to tag team level doesn't surprise me at all.

That is why Carlito is progressing. Thankfully, WWE may finally have found its successor to Chris Jericho in the "real likeable little evil shit" gimmick role.

I mean, take CM Punk. Made one hell of a name for himself in the MOH circuit, and is a cult star with wrestling fans at ECW. This despite the WWE dragging its feet in regards to him. While WWE is wasting ECW time and space with former-failure Test, Punk has the capacity to be the next RVD in terms of ECW-identified badassry.

P.S. - Was it me, or did RAW retcon history? According to Monday Night, Orton never had a title shot. Eh? He was a former WWE Champion. Whatever.