Alright Irish, apologies on my part.

I give credit to Jeff Hardy trying his best to make Khali I say...competent as an all-powerful giant monster. Yet if you saw that part of the match last night, when Khali "knocked" Hardy off the ring, Jeff tried to play off that he hit his skull hard on the ground.

But otherwise, Khali is a loser.

Ole Vince has something for either steroid-beef cakes or giant freaks. The problem is, he rarely knows what to do with them.

Take Chris Masters. Save for that weekly "Masterlock Challenge" which was amusing in a carnivale sort of audience interaction, hes a mediocre ring performer and mic-worker.

Now Carlito, he's growing in terms of ring work and in charisma, and yet the WWE is having him stuck in a no-win loser feud with Masters. Tsk!