Yes, I agree and that is a more realistic way to describe things about Scarface.

I have heard a lot of exaggerated descriptions of Scarface from many sources. Leneord Maltin described the film like this: "Wallows in excess and unpleasantness." While I cannot completely disagree with the fact that it does contain excess and unpleasantness, I can say that to describe it as "wallowing" like a pig in mud or something,is not comepletely true. There are plenty of plesant moments in Scarface, and Tony strikes me as a person with a well-meaning (if crude) sense of humer at points in the movie. That serves as a tention breaker.

Many critics and people criticize how Scarface is violent. But that truly makes no sense, because this is a film about drugs and gangsters, so how can you not make it violent? You certainly can't remove all the violent parts and hope that it will translate. The filmakers wanted to make it true to life, and they did.

So, to me you can't criticize a film for being high on excess and unpleasantness, when that film is about gangsters,who lived exactly that way.