Originally Posted By: Beth E
And like you said, if a day or two went by and we didn't hear from each other a worried phone call would follow.

Reminds me of the time that he had not posted on the boards for several days, and hadn't responded to any of my PMs or phone messages that I left on his house phone. Knowing that he had been diagnosed with an illness, I really began to worry. So I called his cell phone. I got his voice mail. Now I really started to think the worse. Just as I was about to call SC, my cell phone rings and it's Paul. He non-chalantly says " Hey, how are you doing?" and I go into what was probably a rant about how he scared the hell out of me and how I've been worried about him for several days now! I can remember his reply like it was yesterday :

"Ok, are you finished now? For God's sake your worse than a wife! What do you have everyone searching for me? Do I have to report to you all everytime I disappear for a day or two? Can't I go down to Atlantic City on a whim without having to report to you guys?"

and then he burst out laughing and said how we, as friends, meant more to him than people he's known his whole life and how wonderful it was to know that we cared about him as much as we did.

I know that I have mentioned his saying this about us many times, but he said it with such sincerity that it really meant a lot to me. He even said this to my wife, the first time that he met her at one of our dinners, and she too was impressed because he said it to her with such sincerity.

After that he always made sure that he'd drop me an e-mail or a PM if he was going to be away from the boards for a day or two.

I really miss him.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.