Originally Posted By: klydon1
As an Irish-American, I'm mindful of the phrase, "No Irish Need Apply."

I have one of those signs somewhere in a box (my family is in the middle of moving) and haven't seen it in years. Thanks for reminding me.

Originally Posted By: klydon1
While all those other groups came to America of their own accord, Africans were captured, enslaved and sold as property. Even after slavery, they've been segregated under law from the rest of the groups. They've overcome a lot, and have had a lot more to overcome than any other ethnic or minority group in America. They have played and continue to play on a much different field than the rest of us.

I agree and I believe African-Americans have probably had the hardest struggle to overcome. However, my only beef is the double standard. I have no need or desire to call a black person the N word, but it's just the lack of equality that pisses me off. Blacks can call whites "crackers" and it's suppose to be water off a duck's back, but once you reach into the racial slurs bag, you're cited as a racist/bigot/redneck, etc. I'm very high on equality and being treated equally (which this country was "supposedly" founded on) and it just pisses me off that we STILL don't have it.