Not really. Once you look at your "veiw" [sic] it's full of holes...

  • Why would Jack Ruby, a nightclub owner, act on his own and order the death of the President?
  • Jack Ruby didn't know Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Oswald was complicit in the assassination to a degree - he knew he was a patsy, and he knew his job was to kill the President...there was no qualms or trepidations.
  • Why have you removed Castro from the list of suspects? Your argument does little to supplement any links between Ruby and organize crime but it especially doesn't provide any evidence either way that Castro, Lyndon B. Johnson, the military-industrial complex, the Soviets, the Cuban exiles, etc. weren't involved.

George Bluth was a patsy too. I feel bad.

Last edited by lucabrasi67; 11/20/06 01:47 AM.