Do you ever enjoy stories, Capo?

Can you enjoy stories, or even only capture them, without paying attention to the way they are told to you?

I myself, primarily watch films and read books, to name two, for the story. One of the reasons why I watch films for example and not read a book (or vice versa), is to differ between the possible mediums in which a story comes to me.
Also, because a different medium brings along different ways to tell a story, ways which wouldn't be possible in any other medium.

That said, I also watch films for the cinematic value, for the images. Just like I read books for howthe story is written, and not for the story in se.

The difference, to conclude, lies in what functions we se in the mediums that tell stories. You, Capo, enjoy them for the way the stories are told, the artistic value (I hope I am paraphrasing your thoughts correctly here), while I primarily (although not exclusively) watch movies/read books/et cetera for the story in se, with special attention for the way the are told.

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.