I just finished watching the tape I had of "Misery" with my mom.

I don't think any movie can ever do a book justice, especially on a psychological one like this - the novel gives such analysis of the characters that every part of it captures you...and it's sort of frustrating to watch a movie after reading the book and think about all of the great parts they weren't able to include, as well as all of the background info of what each person was thinking, wanting, planning...

But that's just how I feel about book vs. movie - nothing against this one in particular, because I thought it was great. Both Kathy Bates and James Caan were incredible, and I think they did as good a job as you possibly can to bring the characters to life on screen. My mom and I were both laughing at Annie's strange antics - "Oh, Paul!" - but I'd be willing to admit it must've been nervous laughter. Here I am, several minutes after it finished, and my heart is still pounding! I think I'll be seeing Annie in my dreams tonight...and now I have a face to the name!

Last edited by ginaitaliangirl; 11/05/06 12:50 AM.