MAJOR LEAGUE II (1994) - **

Sequels in Hollywood tend to be formulaic, or subconciously are remakes. LETHAL WEAPON, DIE HARD, etc.

When the efforts are good, we forget this fact. When they aren't, what happens is we get piss-poor "remakes" of the same story, which then are sold off as "sequels". In a way, its like the Russian mob selling simple whole-grain alcohol as "genuine" vodka in some liquor stores.

Once again, Charlie Sheen has control problems. Berenger struts his veteran knowledge. Hayes can't hit worth a damn. We've seen this before, and things don't improve. We get new "wacky" guys that are molded into winners, from a Japanese player who's mostly used for lame subtitle/lost in translation jokes, to a catcher who can't throw the ball around the diamond. Whatever.

Thing is, logic is tossed out of the game. How does a player that, while accumilated a decent stash of money but still having to play to pay the bills, suddenly get, oh over $50 million(and if the film was made now, it would be over 100 million) to buy a baseball club...then lose it?

Then again, nobody involved seemed to give a shit about this movie. This was the time when Sheen's once-promising movie career was spiraling into simply the movies he made inbetween drug arrests and hooker scandals. Tom Berenger was very close in his career transformation of direct to DVD fare. At least Dennis Haysbert got elected President on TV.