Ok, I think we all know we are quite obsessed with all things Godfather. (At least I know I am.. blush )

So, I think it's time to make a general identikit of the real Godfather geek. cool
Please, answer listing whatever comes to your mind: from the most typical things that make you such a GF's lover, to the most...ehmmm, bizarre traits of your...obsession. (and don't be shy! smile )

As for me:

I find myself humming the "Godfather's waltz" tune at the less appropriate times. And I mean: *all the time*. I live with that music constantly stucked in my poor head. blush
(not to mention "Analyze this!". When I saw the reacting of the scene where Vito is shot, I almost fainted!)

Ok, enough for the moment, but I'll surely come up with something else later.
Now, your turn to drag out the geek living into you!

"...Brucia la luna in cielo, e io brucio d'amore..."