It wasn`t that good, you know. wink

Seriously Plaw, it was good but you started out too overhasted. Like JG said, you should have thought your plotlines out, write these and in between use those fill-ins of Puzo`s work that you wrote now.

The thing that bothered me most in this story was also what bothered me in the modern GF II story. Too few Italians.

I know we all think of the GF as not just another Maffia story, but as more of a family drama, and so much more.
Nevertheless, the Maffia and Italian culture play a major role in it. I liked GF I, III and the flashbacks of II because of all the Italians. And while I could live with for instance Jews like Roth, ... because they were after all a big part of real-life organized crime, those lawyers and Britans really annoy me. Io volio Italiani! tongue And there were not enough of them in your fricking fairy tale Plaw! wink I suggest you introduce at least 10 new Italians, no wait, Sicilians, with really 'Sicilian' names. Just for the sake of them being Sicilian. cool Capice?

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.