
I think you see an exit 14 A,B,C around the airport. But who pays attention to that, you're just trying to survive.

Re: the "cannoli" scene. I've posted several times about the faux pas of the car exiting when Clemenza says that he has to take a leak and when Paulie get shot. The "gotta leak" scene (that SC posted) appears to be taken from the Queens/Brooklyn border. Notice the shadow of the car on the ground. If that was the JOisey side the sun would be from the North - can't be, not even a Summer Solstice sunrise. The sun is in the southwest sky, making the "gotta leak" scene shot on the east side of Manhattan. Then the "take the cannoli" scene is shot from Joisey (Liberty Park).

I was too lazy to find my original posts. So then let's add the "gotta take a leak" scene to list of locations we want to know.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12