Originally posted by SC:
Originally posted by Just Lou:
[b] I'm pretty sure it's not 16W, although 16W has similar features and area. From the view of NYC, I don't think it can be 14B either. The view is too far North.
Looking at it again, 14B probably IS too far south for this view. Here's a shot from a Hoboken camera (a little farther north) that looks a little more like the correct angle (meaning Exit 16 is more likely):
If it's 16W, they rebuilt the ramps since then. It is quite possible since the "Sports Complex" didn't exist when the movie was filmed. If that is 16W, that is what is called the "NT Ramp" (North towards the tolls). The current NT Ramp is much larger than what is pictured. If I get a chance, I'll take some pictures of that ramp tomorrow.