hahahaha Thats right every relationship in the Godfather movies has been messed up
Michael and Kay really couldn't stand each other
Connie and Carlo were always fighting and Connie always getting beat up.
Sonny and Lucy- She wasn't good looking and it was an affair
Sonny and his wife seemed to hardley even talk
Fredo and his wife- she was a slut bag that treated him like shit
Michael and Appolonia- she gets whacked
Vincent and Mary-INCEST
In the book Johnny and his wife were divorced, and they movie star he left her for was a HUGE skank and slept with all of holywood
I believe the only normal relaitonship was Vito and
Mama.....Tom and his wife seemed to have a good one

Do you guys think Puzo did this on purpose, maybe to show that the life they chooose was a hard one for loving relationships, and FFC emphasised them in the Movie...


Aspanu summon the all of the chiefs