Admittedly, I just saw this new forum! Nice work. But, excuse me: what!? Who in their right mind would want to bring up an already perfect movie trilogy and successfully adapted book, and even attempt a rewrite/sequel/whatever you wanna call it.

JG, you met this guy; how much of a Godfather fan did he seem? I don't think anybody, no matter how big a fan they are, should even try and write this book (or make another film, for that matter).

This probably will suck, and in all honesty, I sincerely hope it does. I hope it bombs disastrously and ruins his writing career. Why can't people write something original these days?

Hollywooditis is leaking into literature. God help us all.


PS> I could be wrong of course, but whether this is half decent or a classic in years to come, I still feel it's a pretty shitty reason for getting a book published. com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?