Originally posted by Don Sicilia:
To echo Plaw's comments re: scoring, I've found that having a wife leaves me with a lot less time to update the scoring.
Trouble in the castle already, huh? :p

Remember.....you are the KING of the Castle....She is nothing but a peasant...what you say goes...fantasy sports takes a back seat to nothing.....

Anyway, here are the scores so far for Week One. I woulda had them posted sooner, but my girlfriend had a few things that she wanted me to do this afternoon.

Fant   Gangster BB
Sports   Team            Screen         Score     Players  
Abrev.   Name            Name           So Far    Remaining
 CC    Bethie's TE       Beth E.        122.16       None
 JG    NJ JGiants        JGeoff         102.13       None
 JL    MOAAFS            Just Lou        94.13     McCardell 
 DB    Douche Bigelow    Don Sicilia     93.68     S. Moss 
 DM    DMC               DonMich.Corl.   92.67     Tomlinson 
 IM    The Sharks          Ice Man       89.57       None
 AL    Sex Panther       Don Alesandrio  85.00       None
 JB    Gutterballs       Jimmy Buffer    81.04     Janikowski 
 TU    Scunthorp Steelrs Turi Guliani    79.74     Randle El, Gates, Duckett
 DC    Cardi's Giants      Don Cardi     59.20        None 
 PL    Black Car Drivers   plawrence     53.44     Jordan, Cooley, Kaeding

"Difficult....not impossible"