Well, certainly there was some good heat from a legendary vet like Lawler and Tazz. However, the match itself I assume it won't be match, since Lawler, despite my sincere respect of THE KING, is well-aged and over-weight, while Tazz....is over-weight as well. Still, if Tazz or King make the match better than it does on paper, I'll give them kudos.

Big Show turn - Well, any turn that catches me by surprise is always good.

Like Lawler and Tazz, there is good "heat" between Foley and Terry Funk. I predict though that Dreamer and Funk will be put under for Foley/Edge.

My other predictions(so far) for sunday's PPV:

*RVD over Cena
*Mysterio over Sabu(should be a fun match to watch, though Mysterio and RVD had a great match)
*Tazz over Lawler
*Angle over Orton (really, Orton is in my opinion, one of the most over-pushed wrestlers I've seen in some time. Batista and even Cena these days have gotten the pop from the crowds, but Orton? Despite a WWE title reign, hes still needs work. Still, hes at least more interesting to watch than Chris Masters)

Whats the other matches folk?

P.S. - Who's heard the rumor that Masters failed WWE's brand-new steroids testing program?