Man, I think that whole shit about the D-Generation X revival is....pointless.

Sure it would bring some nostalgic feelings back, but what else is the point besides the WWE reusing a previous gimmick to make some nice cash on the T-shirts and tickets?

Still, the angle so far with Triple H slowly molded from the usual heel to fan favorite with him refusing to be a tool, it works so far.

As for ECW, too bad Shane Doulgas and Corino won't come back, but at least we've got several of the great ECW guys back from The Sandman(you know, the beer guzzling, cigarette chain-smoking bastard of whom the WWE basically ripped off into a repackaged redneck safer gimmick in Austin), Sabu, Lance Storm, Dreamer, Funk, etc.

Still, Lance Storm hopefully returns to form. He was really one of the best performers in the business while at ECW, until he decided to go into WWF, and man....that was fucking sad to watch. I mean you have a guy that PWI and other wrestling rags would annually name one of the top 10 wrestling performers in the business, and along with Beniot and Jericho was one of the few that many people admittedly were willing to pay to watch wrestle. Then he goes to the WWF, and what does Corporate HQ do? They create some sillyness about him being "boring", and what do the marks in the crowds do? They follow along.

As for the reformation of ECW, potentially it could work. If anything, its like WWE's 2nd try at trying to make for a legitimate-looking "rival "towards the RAW brand, for really that was why they had that whole split between RAW and SMACKDOWN, the idea being a major rivalry between two major brands, like WWF and WCW in the 1990s, except of course WWF would make a shitload of money off both sides.

The problem is that nobody takes SMACKDOWN's roster seriously. If anything, with the ECW "drafting" of the great Kurt Angle, we witness possibly what I assume will happen, which is that the WWE will "merge" SMACKDOWN and RAW eventually, and of which in a storyline angle, it will be a corporate "consilidation" in the face of this would-be insurgent ECW.

As for Kurt Angle in ECW, thats brilliant. Really, I hope ECW becomes what at its best it was, I mean besides the psychotic hardcore fights and shit. I mean the great technical wrestling matches between real athletic men instead of overpushed beef sticks. I want wrestling matches, not "sports entertainment" that makes for easy gay jokes. Better yet, how about no more women's wrestling as well? Hey, I'm for hot valets and such, but watching them wrestling is....boring. Yes they're hot, but trust me, unless we'll get some more sex involved, its really juvenile teasing. Just my dime on that topic.

Thoughts anyone? Irish?

My prediction? Van Damm somehow is put over Cena, possibly with inteferrence help, and thus this war begins, with Van Damm repeating what Shane Doulgas did more than 13 years ago: He'll take the WWE title and re-christen it the "ECW Championship".

Thank god I'm a Smark!