Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
Why on Earth did they have Edge take the title from Cena, if they were just gonna give it back 3 weeks later? They pretty much killed all the momentum they had been building for Edge.

They didn't give Edge enough time to carry the title. He was unable to prove himself as champ.

Well the writers decided a couple days before NYR to give Edge the belt becasue Cena was getting booed pretty good the few weeks leading up to that. I still think they should have waited till WM and had a triple threat w/ HHH Cena and Edge.

Also on Rey Rey, there are talks that he might not even main event WM which is totally crap beacuse he is the most over wrestler in the WWE and has been even before Eddie's death.

Speaking on WM, I would love to see Shelton vs. RVD in a ladder match for the Intercont. belt, that match would own