...and I'd like to point out some differences between what I saw there, and the DVD version (which is the only version I have seen otherwise).

The print I saw was a new, anniversary one.

-The opening of the wedding sequence on the DVD is rather bleary and out-of-focus. This was rather less evident on the big screen.

-Needless to say, the edge enhancement on the DVD is not visible on the big screen, resulting in a better-looking image. I noticed this especially in the scene where Sollozzo is arriving at the Genco Building. The DVD has a lot of greasy edge-enhancement, which is totally invisible on the big screen.

-On the other hand, thewre was a lot more grain on the film (it evidently was not brand new) which degraded the image.

-Jack Woltz sounds much, much louder in the cinema - I don't know if this is because I watch DVDs at a more quiet volume!

-Oh yes, and the jokes seemed much funnier with the whole audience laughing. They especially laughed at Woltz (like when he finds the horse-head, which didn't seem so funny on DVD!).

-The weird white flash at Michael's mouth when he tells Fredo not to do anything against the family again (in Las Vegas) was still there.

-The notorious "red face" that appears at Vito's funeral (you know the one?) is barely visible on the big screen, although it is definitely there. On the DVD it is much more evident.

-The blood that comes out of Moe Greene's eye (shades of Bugsy Sigel!) has always annoyed me on DVD, because it is orange. It looks like Fanta. On the big screen, I am positive it looked much, much redder!

-The sound effects when Carlo is garrotted still sound fakey. (BTW, it was a stereo/Dolby print, I was sure of that. So probably it is different from the original mono soundtrack).

-The changes in the film alleged by another poster on this board - viz. the brief extra shot of Kay when she is asking Mike to become godfather to Francis Rizzi; and the extra shot of Al Neri as he closes the door on Kay, do NOT exist on the big screen. I am therefore doubtful if they exist at all.

The overall impact was quite different. I never felt I was watching a DVD. The whole atmosphere of watching the film in a darkened cinema (with my brother) was very pleasant. I'd like to see it again! The heavy contrast photography was especially beautiful in a darkened cinema. It is quite different when you're watching the film on DVD on a sunny day!